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some content about plans about family...and having a daisy duck... and being confused sitting on too hard balls...getting softer balls is more comfortable
i've installed Yandex.Metrica on florkz...
it basically do the same like google analytics
I bought three days ago a midi-piano Akai MPK 249. I use it with the app SimplyPiano on my Ipad Mini and trained for three days. I never before played chords on a piano- it’s just awesome...the songs name is No Rain- Blind Melon
twitters bet on the pot with an extravaganza president addicted to the publicity is the favorite flavor of the zeitgeist. @certain level of this spell-chain there is ridiculous uncontrolled turning around of the superior with the ending in the only possible consequence showing their destructive nature with a burst of nonsense-inflation. the...
...coming soon and a new category " So No"
the spell is more powerful, if it means the same to different people...and not reversed
from Prineville, U.S.
Woking, G.B.
Wietmarschen, Germany
Yaroslavl and Uchaly, Russia
Quezon City and Caloocan, Phillipnes
Oostzaan, Netherlands
Izmir, Turkey
is one of the base of society which is keeping the mega-urban structures together
from Los Angeles, U.S. Frankfurt and Munich, Germany Bengaluru and Kochi, India Vancouver, Canada Bussum, Netherlands  when google will pay? https://www.selbstaendig-im-netz.de/adsense/wie-viele-klicks-man-fuer-gute-adsense-einnahmen-braucht/ on googles search console is got calls/impressions/clicks: 400/407/1 on googles adsense are calls,...
since florkz is printing virtual money the dichipcoin en masse, investors are interested in the performance... i got new records with florkz in the last month with more IP-addresses and over 30% growth with calls has google analytics reported: 1. Austria 2. Germany 3. Saudi Arabia 4. Ukraine 5. United States 6. Uganda 7. Italy...
i got with the content posted over the last 30 days around 6k visits
OK...let us see...till monday in this post i thought about some design for my florkz-blog as an idea for sn's to order adult content and hate speech now i have realized that una12 is doing it automatically...some posts are only shown in the timeline... Â the upgraded LoR is online again and is crawling around. i bought 2x e5-2650l v4 14x1,7ghz...
by Webalizer statistics counted over 700 daily visits