juli statistics of florkz: i would say 1/2k users/usergroups have done >6k interactions
domainfactory (host)
domainfactory get the statistics from the program-background like the database...besuche/rechner are the important discipilines. i've explored, that statistics are a tricky sciense. now, all private users have dynamic ip-adresses (rechner), which are changed frequently. so, it can be one ip-adress for a group of users? and how much they have interact with the site? than there is besuche, which represent the views...here is the link of the description: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Flf.net%2Fsupport%2Ftechinfo%2Fwebserver%2Fwebalizer.php
the next statistics base on tracking-code, which can be disabled with the do-not-track-funtionality of the browser if enabled:
it's not clear how to analyze the results. if i lean on googles data: i assume, that there are 20 user (with do-not-track disabled) and all the user have created 3.775/2.794 interactions on the page...domainfactory is counting also bots... if i have to give a score, i would say 1/2k users/usergroups have done 5k interactions. why una is counting some hundreds of views is maybe of the coold-down-function of una, which counts every day a new view instead of all clicks on the page, more like youtube.
80 Besuche
2 Minuten 40s durchschnittliche Aufenthaltsdauer
80 % abgesprungene Besucher (Verlassen der Webseite nach einer Seite)
1,7 Aktionen pro Besuch (Seitenansichten, Downloads, ausgehende Verweise und interne Suchen)
· Dusko
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that's what i've found about conversations/click/views:
- A conversion takes place when a visitor to your site takes an action you care about and "converts" to a customer. This could be through filling out a form, completing a purchase, or by simply showing a high level of engagement with your site.26.11.2013
Â- If your average CPC is $0.25 then you need 100,000/0.25 = 400,000 clicks a year (or approximately 1,000 clicks a day) to earn $100,000 a year from Google AdSense. Assuming that your Page CTR is 1% you need approximately 100,000 page views a day.31.01.2018
Âthe second point is assuming that with 100 clicks (=conversations) per day it is possible to earn $10000 per year with adsenseÂi got 2794 conversation in juli= 90 clicks per day= $750 per month!Â0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
· Dusko
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- · Dusko
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