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new users and statistics of previous month

last week florkz got new users from us and canada

Burnaby, Canada

Seattle, US

...there are always repeating viewers from already shown towns. motomo is online again- i had in the last weeks a timeout with montomo (my specialized analytics tool), i didn't got any tracking results, so i had to i redesign my homepage. this has crashed my globe-monitoring-system of viewers, which i will call the "monitoring-phalanx".


and the statistics of the previous month shows a growth of over 40% IP-adresses


goole's statistics:

44,0 %
44,2 %

also a growth over 40%



one extra: the statistics of the last 6 months


last 6 months computers / IP addresses kb visits pages files requests
total 4.345 5.157.945 23.088 1.197.261 1.236.939 1.267.322



the bots and search-engines are included in this statistics


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  • 776
Comments (1)
    • this statistics are counting the diferent IP-adresses of a month. if i add the daily count of ip-adrreses of the last moth, it is over 2900 IP-adresses, but >1.1k are the the different monthly users, which visit in average ~2,5 per month florkz

      for the last six month i got ~11k visitors computers/IP-adresses counted daily (one time per day). views or clicks are including all the interactions of one daily session...the visits= >23k!

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