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new viewers

since florkz is printing virtual money the dichipcoin en masse, investors are interested in the performance...

i got new records with florkz in the last month with more IP-addresses and over 30% growth with calls has google analytics reported:

1. Austria
2. Germany
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Ukraine
5. United States
6. Uganda
7. Italy
8. United Arab Emirates
9. Canada
10. China
11. United Kingdom
12. Kyrgyzstan
13. Russia
14. (not set)

and there are new viewers from around the world:

Ivrea and Cesena, Italy

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Alconbury, England

Dortmund, Germany

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Moscow, Russia

Piscataway, USA

L'Assomption, Canada

Bosnia and Herzegovina

all new countries are a part of the ego-political region The Wings Of North.

the new web counter non the site below has count over 260 views in two weeks.


0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 1284
Comments (1)
    • googles search-console statistics shows, that i got in the last 90 days 2900 crawlings and the first two viewers redirected from google search and also adsense's two views from bosnia and herzegovina..idemooo

      0 0 0 0 0 0
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