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the wold formula of media popularity charts

i did a lot of different charts about the virtual media attention metrics of florkz. for me it wasn't possible to connect the webalizer metrics which represent the information close to the core with it connection to the florkz-database (database is with the una-program the important universal management system of information) and googles counts (which takes information more indirectly over the una-program). between micro and macro of the popularity-metrics with webalizers "calls" and googles "conversations" the results may vary a lot. now with google ads and search console's "impressions" i got results more similar what the webalzer and una counts.

"What is an impression?
An impression is counted for a link URL if the link appears in a search result for a user. Whether or not the link needs to be scrolled to or otherwise visible depends on the type of search result element that contains the link. Please see below for more information...

...An impression is recorded for the URL to which this link refers when the user opens the page on which this result is displayed - even if the result is not scrolled to. Note that the visible link URL below the title is not a hyperlink and is therefore not counted as an impression. The visible URL doesn't necessarily have to match the title's hyperlink URL either."

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