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too close for comfort

since the internet generation the medial presentation became more important and mainstream, the disturbing and abandoning it also...

i've claimed with the creation of the cryptocurrency dichipcoin, that this phenomenon is monitor-able, measure-able and also control-able. this ability will be manifest in the existential next creation through the actual israelo-palestinian conflict...

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    the first proof of concept semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) run positive (SELI NEORAD for short)
    https://github.com/DuskoPre/AutoCoder/wiki i'm not just testing LLMs but also creating a semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) with chromadb: https://github.com/DuskoPre/liquid-neural-network-with-chromadb-cache it seems there is a mayor upgrade for LLMs possible trough classifications (managing-system) of inputs to the LLM. the model is still static but trough the implementations of the classifier it can be made semi-liquid.   #dichipcoin
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