·   · 732 posts
  •  · 0 friends

new viewers and my 1st buck!

this table shows what i got for 1-2month with adsense. it is over 1000 impressions and that is ~1$ (100$ are ~40000 impressions)

Italien 2 7
Österreich 1 4
USA 0 387
Vereinigtes Königreich 0 169
Deutschland 0 61
Indien 0 59
Kanada 0 39
Indonesien 0 30
Brasilien 0 28
Russland 0 24
Mexiko 0 21
Australien 0 19
Philippinen 0 16
Pakistan 0 16
Bangladesch 0 15
Südafrika 0 13
Ukraine 0 13
Spanien 0 12
Türkei 0 10
Malaysia 0 9
Niederlande 0 8
Thailand 0 8
Vietnam 0 7
Schweden 0 7
Kenia 0 6
Japan 0 6
Belgien 0 6
Polen 0 6
Kolumbien 0 6
Frankreich 0 5
Nepal 0 4
Kambodscha 0 4
Hongkong 0 3
Norwegen 0 3
Bulgarien 0 3
Peru 0 3
Taiwan 0 3
Argentinien 0 3
China 0 3
Nigeria 0 3
Marokko 0 3
Südkorea 0 3
Äthiopien 0 2
Chile 0 2
Dänemark 0 2
Georgien 0 2
Finnland 0 2
Ecuador 0 2
Schweiz 0 2
Rumänien 0 2
Portugal 0 2
Singapur 0 2
Irak 0 2
Kuwait 0 2
Panama 0 1
Paraguay 0 1
Palästina 0 1
Bosnien und Herzegowina 0 1
Slowakei 0 1
Libanon 0 1
Tansania 0 1
Griechenland 0 1
Iran 0 1
Litauen 0 1
Madagaskar 0 1
Montenegro 0 1
Saudi-Arabien 0 1
Curaçao 0 1
Kroatien 0 1
Republik Moldau 0 1
Malta 0 1
Usbekistan 0 1
Tschechien 0 1
Israel 0 1
Kirgisistan 0 1
Mazedonien 0 1
Unbekannte Region 0 1
Dominikanische Republik 0 1
Ungarn 0 1
Neuseeland 0 1
Costa Rica 0 1
Weißrussland 0 1
Macau 0 1
Antigua und Barbuda 0 1
Sri Lanka 0 1
Suriname 0 1
Uganda 0 1
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 0 1
Honduras 0 1

google pay out over 100$ collected

0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 814
Comments (3)
    • or are this impressions just from googles search console, which are in opposition to adsense impressions?

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • in the last 30 days is got 50% repeating users (in the last year there were 38%)

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • at webalizer there is a chart "top 10 of urls sorted by kb"- that are the different parts of my blog-homepage which are counted by traffic of kilobytes

          https://www.florkz.com/searchKeyword.php is one of this pages

          this page caused in this year

          01...yanuary: 1,29%

          02: 0,74%

          03: 1,09%

          04: 1,40%

          05: 45,6%!!! of the kb-traffic of the whole month untill 22. 05.

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          Not logged in users can't 'Comments Post'.
          Featured Posts
          the first proof of concept semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) run positive (SELI NEORAD for short)
          https://github.com/DuskoPre/AutoCoder/wiki i'm not just testing LLMs but also creating a semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) with chromadb: https://github.com/DuskoPre/liquid-neural-network-with-chromadb-cache it seems there is a mayor upgrade for LLMs possible trough classifications (managing-system) of inputs to the LLM. the model is still static but trough the implementations of the classifier it can be made semi-liquid.   #dichipcoin
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