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paid content: the searching for corona

i used the dichipcoin to explain some connecting complex sets in appropriate relationships together...to get the simple base associations, which are easy to explain and understand

on the edge of it new associations are token place, which made the artwork of accumulation of the dichipcoin more accurate and round...

...its a never ending story of rethinking and renewal to get the always stable base for continuous developments

the new order with dichipcoin is to find investors and ask for opportunities....

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    the first proof of concept semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) run positive (SELI NEORAD for short)
    https://github.com/DuskoPre/AutoCoder/wiki i'm not just testing LLMs but also creating a semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) with chromadb: https://github.com/DuskoPre/liquid-neural-network-with-chromadb-cache it seems there is a mayor upgrade for LLMs possible trough classifications (managing-system) of inputs to the LLM. the model is still static but trough the implementations of the classifier it can be made semi-liquid.   #dichipcoin
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