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doing upgrades

i've upgraded my workstation to 265GB ram and am using/testing the OPT 30 billion iml max LLM. the OPT-67B LLM is running also (with the swap) but too slowly....


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    Featured Posts
    the first proof of concept semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) run positive (SELI NEORAD for short)
    https://github.com/DuskoPre/AutoCoder/wiki i'm not just testing LLMs but also creating a semi-liquid neural network (advanced LLM) with chromadb: https://github.com/DuskoPre/liquid-neural-network-with-chromadb-cache it seems there is a mayor upgrade for LLMs possible trough classifications (managing-system) of inputs to the LLM. the model is still static but trough the implementations of the classifier it can be made semi-liquid.   #dichipcoin
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