how to save the world from pollution and not affordable energy-consumption. mr. gates gives a bit of a push to the thin bone african soup... and is the gainer of the commercialsation of openai.
(better) know your worth
i just bought the domain and am planing to move the social network blog on it, because and are sounding now too offensive for me.
the term lateral means something simmilar to the term entity to me. reduce the lateralism means technically a simplification (of the over-complication- what may be also interseting for the fake new member?) and strengthening of the system (like each destruction was also tryed to be legimitize for the reason not beeing multi). what happened to...
since yesterday I surprisingly got a new member, which I haven't allowed. so, it seems to me to be a hack of my florkz-homepage. the membership is not visible to the public: only when logged in. who is this health^maniac the email is still online.
i've just chatted with the chat-ai chatGPT (GPT-3) from openAI that is the encouraging dialogue (GPT-4 will be even more advanced): Dusko Phi AIHello! How can I assist you today? Dusko Pare you like watson-AI? AIYes, I am an AI language model, similar to Watson AI. However, I was developed by OpenAI, while Watson AI was developed by IBM. Both...
i got new visitors from
france, Straßburg, La Rochelle
germany, Erding
usa, Millville, North Gates, North Bergen, Austin, Altoona, Phoenix
brasil, Uberlândia
since the moving of florkz to another hosting platform some posts are lost, i decided to redone the new visitors post. the counter below just hit the 10000 Benchmark of unique visitors. THNX FOLKS germany, essen malaysia, Pasir Gudang, Kuala Lumpur india, bhubaneswar, Hyderabad usa, Prineville, Boardman, leesburg, Forest City, Fort Worth,...
i've got new viewers from
usa, phonix, Coffeyville, State of New Jersey, Council Bluffs, Mesa
india, Thiruvananthapuram
austria, graz
it seems corona is the biggest political crisis since the real discovery of america... ancient arabs and chinese had already connection to the people overseas before columbus came... the implosion of the ost-mark policy with the end of cold war and impossibility to establish imperial europe based on hijacked balkan-policy, which wasn't plausible...
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