the swarm coder is doing well- sometimes almost perfect. it seems there is a huge variation in the created outputs depending on LLMs point of view. if the point of view which is enabling the advanced AI can be somehow defined- advanced AI-workloads can be achieved. i've recognized memories (with chromadb) give a huge advantage for the LLM.
reaching a milestone is a reason for celebration... now i've reached one important milestone with my AI-project. the installation of a llm on my workstation is basically done. i have an ai which can chat, remember, sleep... i got also a lot of inspirations from outlandish, which gave me a new parspective like Taisen Deshimaru. the way is the...
is one of the base of society which is keeping the mega-urban structures together
a prototype of abandoned legacy and in the middle of media-war about apartheid, there is no other ID-nick for humans living between orient and occident. mig (Mikoyan-Guravitsch) and zigo is migo....OK?!? how much people have to choose this type of nick??
the common tech talk about this dyn-dns-service guy and how keeping server connected to internet
...and i'm the next king of gb
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there is the prophesy of the big comeback of the joystick as gamers favorite could be
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the future will be more back to roots with less but bigger global entities. to have an unbreakable concept of developing projects is the key.
there are just a lot of...
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it wasn't decision, it was a realization
a superyacht dichipcoin means...?
...and includes Paola&Chiara?
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is it right now all 'baut not even one ...dichipcoin-incubation-accumulation with this franchise...
and what the proof of concept !!!IS SHOWING!!!
...just use proven concepts...